Therapeutic Asanas

I had a lesson planned for today’s lunch yoga at work, but one of the girls were suffering from insomnia for unknown reasons. As a teacher, I believe in giving what my students need, and being that we had a rough start today with a snow advisory that began at 7am, we were all feeling down and cranky. Thus, I’ve did a quick research on yoga journal’s website and put together some light and refreshing asana sequence that would fit in 1 hour. I hope this sequence will be useful to you as well.

  1. Bound angle pose 
  2. Child’s pose 
  3. Cat/Cow poses 
  4. Seated twists (L & R) 
  5. Camel 
  6. Wide-legged forward fold
    • heel-toe feet to center
    • come down to the knees 
  7. Extended Puppy pose
    •  come to all fours
    • move buttocks halfway between the distance of the heels and knees
    • arms active, elbows not touching the mat
    • lower forehead to the mat/blanket
    • feel stretch on the spine, 1 min
    • pull hips to heels
    • release buttocks to heels, modified Child’s pose  
  8. Gateway pose (L & R)
    • place left hand on the mat on the side
    • extend right leg
    •  lift right hand
    • lower right knees to center, repeat on RIGHT side 
  9. Downward facing dog 
  10. Sphinx pose 
  11. Lie on the back, hug knees to chest, make circles with the sacrum 
  12. Happy Baby pose
    • lie on the back
    • bring knees close to armpits
    • hold the inside of the feet
    • shins should be vertical to the floor/ceiling
    • saturate into the pose 
  13. Savasana